As we know this isn't the final product and I am eager to hear feedback from my classmates. I love how my group worked together, everyone shared the same work load and I believe our project is strong. This project did open my eyes to a whole new world. The ways that animals are treated, what the workers go through and all the laws that are out there. I still believe more can be done. I found that truly the consumer has the choice. If as the consumer you are ok with the process, then so be it, but if you are not you have to do something about it.
When beginning this project we first had to choose partners. Then we watched Food Inc, to try to get some possible topics. Then as a group we chose what our topic would be. When we chose our topic we then had to come up with a primary question and we had to think about other possible questions that could be looked into. After all the questions were determined as a group we decided to split the research between the three of us. When I got down to researching, it wasn't too difficult to find information on my section. Once I found all my research that I needed, I started to write my section. After many cross outs, I had my section complete. As a group we got together and finalized everything. The only challenging part was putting the pieces together to make it flow nicely. As a group we worked well together and if we found something that would help another group memem