My Website:

    My website presents my work in different ways then the traditional pencial and paper method. On the website I used different technologies that I have never used before and I found them to be very interesting. I feel that my website is a creative way of expressing my works of art. 
    In anything that you do there are always positive and negatives. I found that using the website there were many more positives then there were negatives. Positve outcomes of my website include, the freedom to use whatever style or technology I wanted. The freedome to express myself in any way that I wanted. It didn't have to be the traditonal pencil and paper. The only negative thing that I found from this website is all my work being public for everyone to see. I felt that I was under complete criticism. In the end though, I found that the criticism helped me develop my work further.
    Blogging, has never been my favorite past time,and I am not sure if it ever will be. I can understand how blogging is useful. Blogging I believe is another form of recaping what you have learned in a different type of way. When I want to recap, I rather do it in my own personal way and make notes that make sense to me, that other people don't neccesarily need to see.

My Twitterive:
    My twitterive is the story of my happy place. I always imagine my life if I was in a bubble. I would be invincible to life and what it has to throw at me. At times in life I find it difficult to handle life. If I had a bubble, I wouldn't care what was going on around me. So for my twitterive I placed myself in bubbleland, where everything was happy. I created stories, pictures, food, anything possible that I think of when I am down, these things bring my spirits back up. 
    My twitterive at the beginning was terrible. I thought that I understood what I needed to do, but in the end, I was totally wrong. In the beginning I was completly devestated. After the devestation wore off, I concentrated on my twitterive, restoring it and focusing on one thing. In the end I believe that my story makes sense. My strengths of my twitterive was the love that I put into it. All the items that I included in this project were things that I love.

My Non-Fiction:
    For my non fiction, I interviewed a co-worker that is very close to me and I learned of a battle that she overcome. I would have never imagined that this person that I had become so close to was a breast cancer survivor. While doing the interview I learned so much about her. I took from her so much, her strength was unbelieveable. I wrote a memoir of her experience through the battle and I truely think that places my reader into her life. 
    My weakness for my non-fiction was not providing enough details. When I went back to revise, I added more detail to try to place my reader into her life. I believe to get the true meaning you have to place yourself in the persons shoes to honestly feel what they went through. My strengths of this project was my interest in her story. I had a passion to learn more, I wanted to tell her story to show everyone that giving up is not the answer. You have to fight, and if you fight it will pay off.

Collaborative Research:
    For the collaborative research my group took on the challenge on how are the consumers protected by the food industry. My group and I took part in researching different aspects and then came together to put it all into one. I believe the strengths of this project were being able to find enought research and being able to piece it all together to form one research project. I believe our weakness was not truely answering our question.