Berry, W. (1990). The Pleasures of eating. In What are People for? North Point Press.

Wendell Berry says that people buy what they want, eat what they want, within their limits. Being a consumer of these foods, we really don't pay attention to how the food is processed. Being that people buy within their limits, those limitations lead to only being able to purchase processed foods. Also being that people have such busy schedules leads them to the convenience of fast food restaurants. Being that people tend to lead towards the uses of convenience they do not really pay attention to how unhealthy it is to consume these foods. Consumers do not know where their food comes from, what kind of conditions the farms are in, in which as the consumer we should be more aware of this information. As the consumer we have the choice of what we eat, and what we buy, so in the end we have the choice to know how the food

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