While doing these interviews, I learned so much knowledge about two different people. I thought to myself, what would I do if I was faced with this type of situation? Then I realized that you cant really imagine what you would do unless your actually in the situation. From this experience the most rewarding part was listening to them listen to their stories. Listening to them share their experience and hear the strength they had. You could hear it in their voice that they are truely survivors. The largrest struggle for me was coming up with the questions to ask. I didnt want to get to pesonal to the point where the questions would upset them. I knew it would be hard for them to share their stories and I didnt want to ask any questions that would be too difficult for them to answer. My solution to that was telling them in the beginning that at any time they need to stop to let me know. Also I made it clear to them that if the question was too personal that they could tell me that they didnt want to answer the question. I wanted to make them feel as comfortable as possibly. My goal was not to upset them, being that this was a very sensitive topi
8/20/2012 07:00:21 pm



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