Kenner, R. (Producer, Director) and Scholsser, E. (Producer). (2008). Food, Inc. [DVD]. Magnolia
 Home Entertainment.   

Food Inc. is a documentary that addresses the process that meat companies use to prepare our foods. Meat companies need a mass quantity of animals, in doing that very inhumane ways are brought upon to these animals. Food Inc. concentrated on the feeding of corn to the animals. Corn is a very inexpensive grain. Being that corn is inexpensive farmers feed it to their animals to speed up the production process. Not only are the animals fed corn, the are given other drugs to speed up the process. With this inhumane treatment, the animals tend to be diseased. If an animal that is diseased gets slaughtered, that then is spread to the consumer who has ingested that particular meat. Food Inc went to many different farms for major meat companies, and the conditions of those farms were horrible. After seeing the conditions of the farms, Food Inc. wanted to interview an employee of the company, and in every situation the company denied an interview. I found that ironic, being that many of the farms are treating their animals inhumane, to mass produce for these companies, they wont speak

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