" This is my deodorant."
I would have never guessed that the bottle that looked like perfume would be a bottle of deodorant for cancer survivors.

"I had many people with my. My family and friends stuck by me."
I always know that if you are struggling you need people behind you. No matter how strong you are, you cant do it alone.

A century ago, a middle aged woman fought the battle of her life. My co-worker and I were sitting at the table watching the kids eat lunch and she was cleaning out her bag. While cleaning out her bag she pulled out this bottle of spray. I looked at it, and I asked her what that was. She told me that it was her deodorant. I was puzzled and she could see the expression on my face and she went on to tell me that she had to use this kind because she is a survivor of breast cancer. Tears came to my eyes, I was in shock. This lady that I have grown to look to as my grandmother, I would have never guessed she went through this whole ordeal. She has such a great personality, happy, upbeat and spunky. She is not a typical older lady. We sat there at the table and she told me the whole experience. She had many supporters along with her family by her side the entire time. All the pain that she had she never lost her faith in god, and most importantly her spunk.

While reading this article I had to fight tears away. This article really touched me. All my life I have learned about the depression but hearing a personal experience made it much more real to me. I tried to put myself in that time period and I don't think I could have survived. Throughout my life I have had many struggles that I have overcome. I don't know till this day how I made it through those times. Then as I read this article I realized that people had it a lot worse. I believe what gets you through is the will to survive. In order to survive you have to work for it.  Life is not handed to you on a silver platter. It will be full of ups and downs and you have to trudge though. The people of today have the power to avoid another depression. We al
When I fist began reading this piece, I was a little bit confused. As I read on through the story, I started to relate myself to the character in the story. Throughout the story the character relates his/her life to a book. That made me think about how every part of my life could be a book. Take all the events that occurred in my life and make it a book. The character of this story puts theirselves into the book being read. From this reading I took that if a story is well written, then a person can get lost in the book. When I am reading a book, I get lost in the images that I have created in my head. The authors use of wording at times is difficult to understand. However after re-reading the text it becomes less confusing. I truely enjoyed this reading. The fact that I am not the only one who gets
When it came time to tweet, it was very hard for me to tweet all the time. First off, I couldnt get twitter on my phone. Even though I am always running, I could only tweet when I had my laptop accessible to me. When I chose my place, I picked a place that was full of laughter. I picked a place that had several fun memories or jokes were told. I picked a place that made me laugh. I wanted to go another way, so I decided to go the comical way. People always say that laughter is the best medicine. When I tweeted about my place, it made me think how a simple thing
My process of my twitterive was all over the place. I had several ideas, I just had to pick the place. The use of weebly was completely new to me. I had never heard of it, let alone use it. When I first started I was frustrated. Then as I kept working with it, it became easier. There are still parts of weebly I still need to explore. My twitterive is still needing a lot of work. I keep trying to think of things to add and edit. I want to change it so by the end it is a great finished product.