#twitterive all i hear is sniff sniff sniff

#twitterive all i hear is sniff sniff sniff

#twitterive eating my hair..must be hungry

#twitterive....pacing around the house looking for scraps

#twitterive...always eating something, even if it something simple like a stick http://twitpic.com/2nvkej

It was early in the morning before his owner was even close to waking up. He was hungry. He was sniffing sniffing sniffing all around his bin of food. He was looking around for anything to eat. He goes to the bedroom door.  A few minutes later the owner hears a sound. She gets out of bed, opens the door to her surprise there he is on the floor eating a stick. Something so simple as a stick.

" Oscar are you that hungry?"
#twitterive taking a rest before round 2 http://twitpic.com/2o7xu5

# twitterive Down for the count http://twitpic.com/2o7yd3

#twitterive Who will win? http://twitpic.com/2o7x7s

Thinking of making a comic to these pictures. Having trouble finding the words.
As I first began to read the story " The Encounter" it immediately brought the images to my head of when I visited Ireland. In the beginning the author was describing his life in Ireland. Even though I was not there during that time, I was there a couple years ago and I can get a great picture of his life. Ireland is such a beautiful place. Imagining living my life there is all a dream. What I also loved about the story was the suspense. I never knew what was going to happen or what one of the characters were going to do. Life is full of suspense and sometimes you are put in uncomfortable situations, but in the end it all works out. Life would be boring without all the suspense.
Micro fiction, a variety of short stories with so much power. Who could ever imagine that a series of short stories could have such an effect in such a short space. Being that the stories are so short, the author is forced to get to the point without the continuous rambling that is apparent in some novels. These short stories are to the point. I believe that stories should be upfront and to the point. If the stories are just a bunch of ramble, what can the reader really get out of the story? "Wrong Channel" by Roberto Fernandez, "Mockingbird" by Laurie Berry, "Land's End" by Antonya Nelson, and "Waiting" by Peggy McNally, all brought different insights to my eyes with the words that each of the authors chose. While reading these short stories I was able to get a clear image of what I was reading. It takes me some time to develop an image, but while reading these short stories they image came rather quick
My life is a narrative all on it's own. The stories that have evolved have a particular meaning. The stories mean something to my life, and perhaps could mean something to someone else. When reliving a story in my life, I often wonder why does this matter?

After reading " A Narrative Life"  by Pagnucci, I realized that my stories do have a meaning. All the details in my stories may lead to some type of narrative. Pagnucci made me realize that by writing my stories, I'm writing for myself. By writing short stories or poems  my own experiences will be shown to have a meaning.

Personally I prefer writing in private. When my writing is public it is open for everyone to see and criticize. As I revised, I made sure that my writing was done in a professional way. When revising I took out pieces that didn't really fit or have a purpose. I want my writing to beg straight to the point. I will admit that revising my work took me a good amount of time. By the end I believe that my work was more professional, as well as being enjoyable to the reader.
The types of writing that I use most often are letter writing, journal writing and texting. It is easier for me to write my ideas down on paper than speak them because I am able to free write my feelings. Texting is my best friend. I prefer texting over talking on the phone because I can write what I am feeling easier. During this class I would like to write personal stories.

In this class I would like to research air traffic control and different diseases and cures. I have a fascination with airplanes and I would love to learn more. The same goes for different diseases and the cures. I would also like to research different countries to visit later in my life.

With all the technologies out there, I am not anywhere close to understanding all of it. The three types of technologies that I use are, the computer, my cell phone and my Ipod. I have access to internet  but the only use I have is to check email, look up research, type papers and go on Facebook. I don't blog or tweet because I don't really care for either of them.
 I am a full time student at Rowan University. Currently  I am enrolled in classes working towards completing my BA in Elementary Education/Writing Arts. While attending classes I am the head teacher of the young toddler classroom at a Learning Center. After completing my BA in Elementary Education, I would like to pursue my degree in Special Education.